Balance Tip - Intention

Balance Tip - Intention

*Sankalpa* (Sankrit) Intention, Will, Desire. It is an intent evoking from your truest self. AT Bhumi, our sankalpa is to inspire positive consumer choices that are good for the planet and the people; to bring our hearts, minds and bodies back to Mother Earth. This intention is hat guides us in choosing what we do, and how we do it.

You can set your own sankalpa for today, or perhaps this week. It can be something true and simple, like ‘be present with my family’ or ‘be kind to myself’. Whenever you feel unbalanced, pause: come back to this intention, take 3 breaths, and notice any shift in your body, your mood, your thoughts.

Try it, and see what you notice. We’d love to hear your experinces in the comments below!

Bhumi Organic Cotton - Sankalpa

About the Author: Lucy Yu is a Creative Artist based out of Melbourne

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