The Ethos behind Bhumi Organic Cotton

The Ethos behind Bhumi Organic Cotton

“Come forth into the light of things, Let Nature be your teacher” - William Wordsworth

Bhumi means Mother Earth in Sanskrit. The earth teaches us to be human, to love, to give, to thrive, to survive.

Everyday we witness the changing natural world around us as a result of our actions and the choices we make. The entire ecosystem is interconnected and when we truly realise and experience this, our love for the earth, for life, for nature and for human nature is amplified.

The collective power of knowledge and conscious consumer choices will give life to the Earth and as we work together we will help restore balance and in turn make this Earth an even more beautiful place.

The following video explains the Ethos and Inspiration behind Bhumi Organic Cotton.

About the Author: Vinita is the Founder of Bhumi Organic Cotton and passionate about an Earth Life Balance.
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