Q&A with Valeria, Founder of The Wellnest
Valeria has created a space The Wellnest to enable people to find healthy recipes to nourish your body, discover creative ideas to inspire more joy and fun in your life, learn ways to live a more sustainable life, and compare notes on issues we all struggle with as women. The nest brings a world of comfort and connection as well as safety. Everything Valeria shares is raw and real and inspires everybody male and female to look into dimensions of our life we may overlook. Her latest blog is a wonderful read - How to make your wardrobe more sustainable
I feel honoured to have met a life long soul sister in Valeria who inspires me both professionally and personally and I hope you enjoy some insights into the beautiful Valeria and our time together.
What is your favourite room in your home sanctuary and why?
We all have days where things feel way out of our control. How do you centre yourself after one of these days? Is it something you do or is it a place you go to?
Breathing is always my go to, and then I sit down and commit to writing at least 3 pages in my journal. I find calming essential oil blends also help.
Do you have a night time ritual to wind down the day?
What are three attributes you value most in people?
What is something you do every morning?
What plants can I find in your garden or home?
I have a jungle in my home. Several cacti, Monstera Deliciosas, Mother in Law’s tongue, Palms and giant fiddles.
If you could have dinner with 3 people in the history of time who would they be?
What makes you sad or worried about the present and future of the planet?
The fact that corporates are not taking responsibility and abolishing their need for plastic. There are so many wonderful alternatives out there. We just shouldn’t be using plastic for profit anymore.
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About the Author: Vinita is the Founder of Bhumi Organic Cotton and passionate about an Earth Life Balance