15 Simple Ideas To Go Green This Christmas

Bhumi Organic Cotton - Go Green This Christmas

"Christmas is the spirit of giving without a thought of getting. It is happiness because we see joy in people. It is forgetting self and finding time for others. It is discarding the meaningless and stressing the true values " - Thomas S. Monson

Having a sustainable mindset for the holiday season and going green this Christmas does not mean it changes the celebration or takes the fun out of it, it may just alter how you celebrate. We have put together our top list of 15 ideas and ways to go green this Christmas - it is the small shifts in the way we have done things that are paving the way for the new for a brighter sustainable future:

  1. Choose presents and gifts that give back
  2. Give gifts that are an experience
  3. Give gifts that do not compromise the earth or her people
  4. Give gifts that are hand made
  5. Choose to have a plastic free celebration from gifts through to food containers and utensils
  6. Choose recycled paper for wrapping presents
  7. Wrap gifts in fabric not paper that can be reused over again
  8. Use natural products to decorate like twigs of oregano or fallen branches
  9. Compost your food scraps
  10. Gift the gift of love
  11. Choose gifts made from sustainable materials & made ethically
  12. Look for decorations that are solar powered, or natural - have a go at making your own like cloves and orange hanging balls
  13. Buy food produce from local farmers
  14. Use cloth napkins instead of the throwaway serviettes
  15. Create your own Christmas tree and seek inspiration from the outdoors with branches, sea shells, vases filled with sand and shells and fill your house with delicious & vibrant plants that breathe life into your space

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The festive season heralds the feelings of love, joy, giving, family, friends and connection and it is an important time to recognise and transform our ideals, our intentions, our impact on the earth, ourselves and the world we live in. We need to infuse into the festive celebrations simplicity, nature and the intention to connect with the Earth and humanity at large. Carry the green festive spirit in your heart and remember that giving, whether your gifts are tangible or of the soul, is always good and spreads love and joy; two fundamental elements for life.

About the Author: Vinita is the Founder of Bhumi Organic Cotton and passionate about an Earth Life Balance.

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