From Me To Me and You To You - Happy Valentine's Day!

Bhumi Organic Cotton

On Valentines Day it is hard not to be reminded to think about Love. How important it is to remember that Love can be pure, delicate, nurturing, strengthening, unconditional, exhilarating and enduring. This Valentine's Day I encourage you to think of love beyond your immediate relationships.

It is so important to love and honour your family and friends, to love and honour the earth to leave it a better place for our future generations, to love and honour the community we live in and help each other out even if just with a smile or random act of kindness. But the Love I ask you to remember that will enable you to give all the love to each other, the earth and humanity at large is to give a little love to YOU.

Here are my Top 5 ideas for ways to love and remember how much you need you.

1. Treat yourself to flowers, new sheets, a bubble bath, take yourself out for lunch, go for a walk barefoot in the gardens ... do something you love doing just with and for you!

2. Take some time out and go somewhere that is on your dreams list - be anywhere but here!

3. Rediscover a passion you had or dream about - don't let anyone or anything stop you and feel alive again!

4. Go on a movie date night with you but stay at home in your most comfortable pyjamas, snuggle into your cosy throw blanket, surround yourself with all the treats you love and .. turn off your phone!

5. You have the right to have as an adult creative play time - fun and play should not end with childhood. Jump on your bike, paint a picture, climb a tree, run around in the rain ... remember what it was like having fun and being a child with no inhibitions - go ahead and be that again!

    Bhumi Organic Cotton

    "You yourself as much as anybody in the entire Universe deserves your love and affection." - Buddha

    This Valentines Day create a memorable day of love for you. Love is within your reach as you can give this gift to yourself every single minute of every hour of every day of every week of every month of every year. This is what it means to love you when you choose you and honour you in the most beautiful way possible. Forget yesterday, give a gift to yourself right now, the present. Feel the love and radiate love, peace, happiness and strength. So from me to me and I hope from you to you, Happy Valentines Day!

    About the Author: Vinita is the Founder of Bhumi Organic Cotton and passionate about an Earth Life Balance.

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