Balance Tip - Treat Yourself

Balance Tip - Treat Yourself

Be it a walk on the beach, looking up and star gazing at the moon, growing a herb garden, having a healthy juice or smoothie to start your day, eating a treat with your tea or coffee, doing a yoga class, going for a walk in the park, visiting the florist to buy flowers ...

Whatever it is that makes YOU smile stop what you are doing and treat yourself. Do something for YOU. Do one thing a day that makes YOU feel happy, makes YOU feel positive, makes YOU feel loved and makes YOU feel ready to embrace every day full of challenges, hopes and dreams. Promise yourself some time for YOU.

Promise yourself some time to be aware of your breath, your smile, your body, your feelings and reflect on the beautiful soul that you are. YOU deserve it.

Bhumi Organic Cotton - Balance Tip for the Week

About the Author: Vinita is the Founder of Bhumi Organic Cotton and passionate about an Earth Life Balance.

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