A Time For Gratitude

A Time For Gratitude

With a full moon we embrace a new year, a new beginning filled with new chapters. My wish for all of you is beautiful times ahead. Time is so precious and as the years go by I see time now racing past me. It has taught me to really reflect daily on my thoughts, words and actions and continue to refine and define who I am.

Time is priceless - to share with each other and also have and make time for ourselves which at times feels like a rarity. Time is a most precious treasure because it is limited and acknowledging & embracing that is the first amazing step to realising the importance of each breath we take.

May we be present in the moment of today with all of our daily interactions. May we acknowledge that everyone is going through something in their lives and the most wonderful thing we can do is actually just be there in peace. May we reflect on how much time, love and effort has gone in to create the things we buy and the impact it has on the earth and her people. This year may we make time to appreciate how a meal was prepared, how much love and effort goes into everything you see around you, who bought or made you something and the loving intention behind it, who made the products we buy or receive, the journey of how it came to be with you from the maker to the one who delivered it to you... reflections of the time and the effort it takes to make the moments in our lives even more valuable.

It truly is a beautiful world that we live in. My wish for you is that we take the time to stop in wonderment as we look around us, to breathe deeply and simply to be. May we take the time to be with the ones we love. May we take the time to understand and to listen. May we have the courage to make choices and decisions that have positive ripple effects not ones that hurt or harm others. May we take the time to step out into nature, connect with it and truly understand the greatness of the Earth. May we make time to laugh, love and live with the most beautiful of intentions. May we strive to make someone smile each day. May we do something each day to make someones life just that little bit easier. May we act honourably to all with respect, honour and gratitude. And may we display compassion and love for all of humanity and the earth.

With deep gratitude I thank you all for your love, support and understanding throughout the year of 2017 and I look forward to sharing with you the adventures ahead in 2018 - may your year be filled with laughter, reflections, memories, hope and above all love.

Bhumi Organic Cotton - A New Begining
About the Author: Vinita is the Founder of Bhumi Organic Cotton and passionate about an Earth Life Balance.
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