Forest Moonlight

Forest Moonlight

To create Forest Moonlight for Bhumi we used:

  • Naturally shed bark of gum trees
  • Re-used fishing line
  • Lichen covered branches
  • Stumps from a wattle tree cut down by the CFA when clearing for bushfire
  • River stones
  • Moonwhite fabric curtain

    Forest Moonlight

    Forest Moonlight is inspired by peaceful evening walks in the forest. The Forest and Moonlight - what a combination! A walk in the forest at any time of day is a gift. Simply be there. If you would like to be there, yet can't be right away, take or make a mind photo. You can be there in your minds eye whenever you like.

    Forest Moonlight.

    Stand and Listen.

    Our Forest is still.

    Hear The Quiet.

    Soft rustle of wallaby moves through undergrowth.

    The Moon appears.

    There's our path!

    Ancient trees, witness to nightfall, line our track.

    Star glow far above towering gums.

    Stone underfoot, and twig.

    Bark suspended hangs elegant; curling.


    We dodge lichen covered branches; moving shadows.




    Hear the Quiet.

    Stand and listen.

    The Quiet.

    About the Author: Mary is the Creative Director and Designer at Flower Bird.

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